All About Work Logs: Guide to Tracking Your Work Hours

How to manage and register your and your teammates' working hours

The Work Logs tool serves as a central hub for tracking and managing your work hours. This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step guide on accessing the archive of submitted hours and manually adding Work Logs to ensure comprehensive time tracking.

Accessing the Work Logs Archive:

  1. Navigate to the Work Logs Module:

    • Log in to BizMan and locate the Work Logs module on the sidebar under Employee Tools.
    • Click on the Work Logs module to access the archive.
  2. Viewing Submitted Hours:

    • In the Work Logs module, you can access the archive containing all your submitted hours, whether tracked by timer or added manually.

Adding Work Logs Manually: Follow these steps to add Work Logs in BizMan manually:

  1. Go to the Work Logs Module:

    • From the dashboard, enter the Work Logs module by selecting it.
  2. Click on Add Work Log:

    • Find and click the "Add Work Log" option within the Work Logs module.
  3. Select Client and Task Type:

    • Choose the relevant client for whom you performed the work.
    • Specify the task type associated with the work.
  4. Add Work Log Description:

    • Provide a detailed description of the work performed. This can include specific details about the task or any additional information.
  5. Enter Time Spent and Work Date:

    • Indicate the amount of time spent on the work log.
    • Select the date on which the work was performed.
  6. Save the Work Log:

    • Once all details are entered, click the "Add Work Log" button to save the entry.

Benefits of Manual Work Log Entries:

  • Comprehensive Time Tracking: Manually adding Work Logs ensures all work hours, including non-timed tasks, are accurately recorded.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide context and details about each task, contributing to a more comprehensive project overview.
  • Flexibility: Easily track work that may not involve timers, such as meetings or administrative tasks.