Bizman Latest Update: Version 1.38.2 Released

04.29.24 - With this update, we introduce various fixes in our Task Manager, a new Interface and logic for Notifications, and improved tools.

New Notifications Preferences

We're introducing a new interface to optimize notification customization so users can adequately set notifications to their preferences. New users will also be automatically subscribed to all messages.

Those users with Admin Roles will also have the possibility to set Admin Notifications for platform-wide actions.

Bizman 1.38.2 New Notification Preferences

The Notification Preferences Tool was added to the User menu in the top right corner.


Once inside the tool, all users can activate/deactivate, which triggers notifications in-app or by email.

Bizman 1.38.2 New Notification Settings




- Updated logic and notifications on User Deletion

- Optimized the integration between Hubspot and Bizman Tasks

- Removed Task Creator from the Followers list when creating a task

- Optimized Board view scrolling for Task Manager

- Bank of Hours status and filter fixes

- Fixed image size in email notifications for desktop and mobile

- UI changes on tasks manager views list for better communication