How to Add and Edit Clients in Bizman

With Bizman, users with ‘Add Clients’ and ‘Edit Clients’ permissions have the ability to add clients to the system and modify the details of existing ones.

📌It is essential to have at least one employee and one client set up in the system before initiating any task creation, work logging, or timer activation.

Adding a Client

Adding a client is a straightforward process. Once a client is added, you will have the necessary framework to begin assigning tasks, tracking work progress, and managing task and project timelines effectively. 🌟

Accessing the Clients Section: A Step-by-Step Guide

The first step to add a client to the system is to go to the ‘Clients’ section. To access the Clients section:

  1. Navigate to the side bar menu.
  2. Select “Management”.
  3. From the Management section, click on “Clients”.

There you have it! Once in the Clients section, you can follow these steps to add a client:

  1. Navigate to the upper left corner and click on the "Add Client" button.
  2. Once clicked, the New Client form will appear. Fill in the details (the required fields are denoted by a red asterisk).

add client form

  • Client Name
  • Email
  • Domain
  • Description
  • Adress
  • Client Type - Choose from:
    Bank of Hours – A client type where services are provided based on a prepaid allocation of hours. Clients purchase a certain number of hours upfront, which are then drawn down as services are rendered.
    Retainer – A client type where a fixed fee is paid periodically, typically monthly or annually, in exchange for ongoing access to specified services.
    Pay As You Go - A client type where services are provided on a transactional basis, with clients paying for each service or unit of work as it is consumed.
  • Services – Type of services the client offers (Click here to learn how to add services)
  • Division - This field helps organize and segment clients based on specific criteria such as geographic location, field, or industry. (Click here to learn how to add a division)
  • Task types - Categories or classifications of tasks, typically customized to match the specific needs and workflows of each client.
  • Is Billable - Mark the checkbox if the client is billable.
  • Billable –Clients that contribute directly to the revenue stream of the business.
  • Non-Billable – Clients that do not directly generate revenue through invoiced services or products.

   3. Finally, click on ‘Add’ to save your changes.

Modifying an Existing Client’s Details

Modify existing client details or information within the system to ensure accuracy, update changes, or customize client profiles according to evolving needs. To do this:

  1. In the Clients section, you will find the ‘Clients List’ table. Go to Actions.
  2. Click on the three dots icon.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Edit’ to access the ‘Edit Client’ form.
  4. Choose the fields you wish to update and modify the information accordingly.

Edit Client

📌 Note: In the Edit Client form, you will see the ‘Is Enable’ checkbox. When this checkbox is      unchecked, the client will be set to inactive. Inactive clients won’t be shown as one of the   Client options in Start New Timer, Create Work Logs, and other functions.

5. Finally, click on ‘Update’ to save your changes.