How to Add and Edit Division in Bizman

As a Bizman user with 'Add Division' and 'Edit Division' permissions, you have the ability to create and manage divisions within the system seamlessly.

Managing client information effectively is crucial for ensuring successful task execution and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders.

The Division field is a vital component when adding new clients or employees. It serves as an essential organizational tool, enabling users to categorize clients and employees based on various criteria, such as geographical location, industry, or specific fields of operation. With the ability to classify clients and employees into distinct divisions, users can optimize workflow management processes. This includes assigning tasks, delegating responsibilities, and allocating resources more effectively.

Additionally, divisions provide a structured framework for data analysis. Users can analyze client and employee data within specific divisions, gaining valuable insights into performance, trends, and opportunities for growth.

Read on for the detailed instructions on how to add and edit divisions in Bizman.

Accessing the Divisions Section: A Step-by-Step Guide

The first step to add a new division to the system is to go to the ‘Divisions’ section. To access the Divisions section:

  1. Navigate to the side bar menu.
  2. Select “Management”.
  3. From the Management section, click on “Divisions”.

Navigate Divisions

Adding a Division

Once in the Divisions section, simply click on the ‘Add Division’ button on the upper right corner. Once clicked, a pop up will appear where you can enter the name of the Division and then select the client/s you wish to assign to that given division. Finally, click on ‘OK’ to save your changes.

create division

Modifying an Existing Client’s Details

You may find yourself needing to modify assigned division to accommodate changes in client requirements or organizational structures. To do this:

  1. In the Divisions section, you will find the list of Division names and associated clients. Go to Actions.
    edit division
  2. Click on the three dots icon.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Edit’ and adjust the information accordingly.
  4. Finally, click on ‘OK’ to save your changes.