How to Run Multiple Timers Simultaneously: Boost Your Productivity

Have the flexibility to efficiently track multiple tasks simultaneously without interrupting your workflow. This feature is particularly beneficial when managing various client-related activities.

Using Timers Without Linked Tasks: 

  1. Scenario: Let's say you are actively working on a task for a client and need to attend a meeting with them. With BizMan, you can start a timer for that client without linking it to a specific task. 
  1. Steps to Start a Timer: 
  • Navigate to the Timer section in the BizMan dashboard. 


  • Start a new timer and select the client you want to track time with. 


  • Begin the timer without assigning it to a specific task. 

Adding Meeting Details: 

  1. On-the-Fly Meeting Tracking: While the timer runs without a linked task, easily add meeting details. 
  1. Steps to Add Meeting Details: 
  • Access the active timer for the client from the Timer section. 


  • Click on the "Add Details" option to include relevant meeting information. 
  • Save the details to ensure comprehensive tracking of your client interactions. 

Tracking Billable and Non-Billable Hours: 

  1. Effortless Billing: BizMan allows you to distinguish between billable and non-billable hours when tracking multiple tasks. 
  1. Steps to Track Billable and Non-Billable Hours: 
  • While starting a timer, specify whether the time spent is billable or non-billable. 
  • View and manage billable and non-billable hours in the dedicated statistics section. 

Benefits of Multitasking in BizMan: 

  • Improved Efficiency: Seamlessly manage various tasks without interrupting ongoing timers. 
  • Enhanced Client Interaction: Capture meeting details on the go, ensuring a comprehensive record of client-related activities. 
  • Accurate Time Tracking: Distinguish between billable and non-billable hours for precise invoicing and reporting.