How to Set Alerts and Notifications in Bizman

In the Bizman tool, alerts and notifications ensure that team members receive updates and timely reminders. This guide will walk you through setting up custom alerts and notification preferences in Bizman.

Stay Informed and Focused with Bizman Notifications Settings

Bizman empowers users with custom alerts and notifications designed to help them enhance their ability to manage tasks effectively while staying in the loop. Set your notification preferences to receive only the information that matters most to you, keeping you focused and in control. Here's how to set up your notification preferences in Bizman:

1. Access Notification Preferences:

  • Head to your Profile Settings and select Notification Preferences.


2. Personalize Your Notifications

After clicking "Notification Preferences" from the menu, you'll be routed to the Personal notification settings page. By default, ALL notifications are ENABLED. Here, you can easily customize what information you receive. Simply review the list and check the box next to any notification you want to keep getting. Don't need an alert? Uncheck it! Additionally, for each notification type, you can choose whether you prefer in-app pop-ups, email notifications, or both.

personal notification

Admin Notifications (For Users with View Admin Notification Permissions)

Users with 'View Admin Notification Permissions' can access the "Admin" tab within Notification Preferences. This section offers broader visibility by allowing admins or team leaders to receive alerts for new tasks created within the team, along with any project-wide task status changes.  

Additionally, admins can choose to be notified about certain clients' bank of hours status, inactive user login attempts, suspicious password copying, and password renewal reminders (daily, weekly, or monthly).  Just like personal notifications, admins can select which alerts they want by checking the box and choosing their preferred delivery method (in-app, email, or both). 

Admin notifications

Manage Your Bizman Notification Settings

No need to burden your mind with constant reminders—let Bizman handle it for you! Bizman's notifications cover everything, from due dates and project progress to alerting you about password credential expirations. Our comprehensive system ensures that no task gets overlooked, all while bolstering security measures within the platform. By customizing your notifications, you can create a personalized information flow that keeps you in the loop and helps you manage tasks effectively!