How to Utilize Bizman's Announcement Feature

This guide shows authorized users how to create, edit, and manage announcements in Bizman, ensuring everyone receives important updates.

Bizman's Announcement feature, located under the Management section, empowers you to keep your team informed and aligned by sharing important updates, company news, or links to social media posts directly within the platform.

Keep your team informed by learning how to create, edit, and manage announcements within the platform.

Creating an Announcement:

  1. Navigate to Announcements - From the Side Menu, click on “Management" and then select "Announcements" from the dropdown (Add and Edit Announcement permissions required).

    Bizman Announcements Feature
  2. Click "Add Announcement" - In the upper right corner, you'll find the "Add Announcement" button.
  3. Craft Your Message - Enter a clear and concise title for your announcement. In the description area, compose your message, add an image, and include relevant details.
  4. Add a Link (Required) - Bizman requires a link to accompany each announcement. Paste the URL of the social media post, company update, or other relevant external source in the designated field.
  5. Set Announcement Visibility - Ensure your announcement is visible to your team by checking the "Set as Active" checkbox. Uncheck this box if you want to save a draft for later edits.
  6. Preview or Save - Click "Preview" to see how the announcement will appear to your team before publishing. If satisfied, click "Save" to finalize the announcement.

Editing and Managing Announcements:

preview newsletter

  • A list of all your announcements is displayed on the Announcements page.
  • You can use the three-dot menu next to each announcement to access options like "Preview," "Edit," and "Delete."
  • The "Edit" function allows you to modify the title, description, or link associated with the announcement.
  • Use the "Delete" option to remove announcements that are no longer relevant.

Announcement Visibility and User Engagement:

Bizman announcement feature

  • Only one announcement can be set as "Active" at a time. This ensures focused communication and avoids overwhelming your team.
  • When set to active, the announcement will pop up for users, and they can click 'Close' to close the announcement for now, but it will reappear every hour until they click "Read Update," or the announcement is set to Inactive.
  • You can track user engagement by clicking on the title of a specific announcement. This will show you details like the number of users who have viewed the announcement and those who haven't, along with the date each user viewed it.

How to Set an Announcement to Inactive: 

  • Locate the announcement you want to deactivate in the announcements list. Look for a three-dot icon in the Actions column next to the announcement title.
  • Click the three-dot icon and choose “Edit” from the dropdown menu.
  • In the edit announcement window, find the checkbox labeled "Set as Active".
  • Uncheck the "Set as Active" checkbox.
  • Click "Save" to confirm the changes and deactivate the announcement.

Some Tips:

  • Keep it clear and concise: Focus on delivering the key message in a well-organized and easy-to-understand way.
  • Consider visuals: Include images or infographics to enhance your announcement if appropriate.

Utilizing the Bizman Announcements feature as part of your communication strategy is a quick and easy way to ensure critical updates and company news reach your entire team efficiently. Beyond internal updates, you can also share links to your latest social media posts through announcements. This encourages team members to engage with your content, boosting overall reach and brand awareness.