List, Board, and Calendar Views - Their Differences

Efficiently manage your tasks by utilizing the versatile organizational features of List, Board, and Calendar Views. These tools provide a comprehensive framework to streamline your workflow, helping you stay organized and on top of your tasks.

Since every team's workflow varies, you're not restricted to just one view when organizing your tasks. Bizman Task Views offer three versatile perspectives—Board, List, and Calendar—providing users with flexible options for effective task management.

What are the Benefits of Using Different Views?

  • Enhanced User Adoption: Catering to varied preferences increases user adoption rates.
  • Customization: Users can choose the view that best suits their work style and needs.
  • Versatility: Different views cater to different types of projects and tasks.
  • Efficient Planning: Each view provides a unique perspective, aiding in more effective planning and execution.

Users can smoothly switch between Board, List, and Calendar Views within each project. Whether you prefer the visual clarity of a board, the structured list format, or the calendar's time-oriented overview, Bizman enables you to customize your task management experience to fit your workflow.

Board View

task board view

Board view offers a visual and intuitive way to manage your tasks within Bizman. It provides a kanban-style board where you can organize tasks in different statuses - Open, In Progress, Queued, and Done - for a clear understanding of workflow and progress.

Accessing Board View:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks section on the sidebar menu.
  2. Within the Tasks section, locate and click on Board.

This action will transform your task list into a visual board layout.

Managing Tasks within the Board:

In the Board layout, each task appears as a card on the board. You can easily drag and drop these cards between columns to reflect their status.

Clicking on a specific task card opens a detailed view containing task information, including descriptions, deadlines, and assigned team members. Below are some of the benefits of using board view:
  • Visual Organization - Enables a visual representation of tasks or items on boards or cards.
  • Intuitive Workflow - Ideal for workflows that progress through different stages.
  • Quick Assessment - Provides a quick overview of task statuses and progress.
  • Teamwork - Facilitates easy collaboration and discussion on specific tasks.

💡Pro-Tip for Using Board View in Task Management: Take advantage of the flexibility of Board View by using drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange tasks within columns easily, adjusting priorities on the fly.

List View

Task List View

List view offers a clear and organized way to manage your tasks. It presents a traditional list format, perfect for users who prefer a straightforward approach to task management.

Accessing List View:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks section on the sidebar menu.
  2. Within the Tasks section, locate and click on List.

This will display your project tasks in a list format, categorized by due date or creation date (depending on your chosen filters).

Just like Board View, the List view allows you to sort tasks by various criteria, such as due date, priority, or assigned team member. Filters can be applied to focus on specific sets of tasks, aiding in a more streamlined workflow.

Benefits of Using List View:

  • Structured Overview - Presents tasks in a detailed, structured list format.
  • Efficient Sorting - Allows sorting and filtering based on various parameters.
  • Data-Focused: Similar to a to-do list, List View offers a quick and comprehensive task overview.

💡Pro-tip for Using List View in Task Management: Manage tasks by arranging them in order of priority or deadlines to enhance focus and efficiency.

Calendar View

Calendar View Task

Calendar view offers a time-focused approach to managing tasks within Bizman. It presents your tasks in a familiar calendar layout, making it ideal for visualizing deadlines, managing project timelines, and ensuring on-time completion.

Accessing Calendar View:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks section on the sidebar.
  2. Within the Tasks section, locate and click on Calendar.

This action will switch your task list to a calendar interface, displaying your tasks for various days, weeks, or months (depending on your chosen view).

The calendar view presents your tasks in a familiar grid layout with days and dates. Each task appears as a block positioned according to its due date. Clicking on a block reveals details like the task name, description, and assigned team members. The color-coding also visually represents task status, allowing you to gain a clearer picture of deadlines, manage your time more effectively, and ultimately ensure your projects stay on track for successful completion. 

The benefits of using the Calendar View include:

  • Temporal Perspective - Organizes tasks based on dates and deadlines.
  • Time-Sensitive - Ideal for projects with strict timelines and scheduled events.
  • Holistic Planning - Offers a comprehensive view of timelines and resource allocation.
  • Deadline Management - Facilitates easy tracking of deadlines and milestones.

💡Pro-Tip for Using Calendar View in Task Management: Filter your view by month, week, or day. This streamlined approach allows you to see essential items without being overwhelmed by less urgent matters.

Selecting the appropriate view depends on the nature of the project, individual preferences, and the team's specific requirements. Strategically integrating these views can lead to a more comprehensive and efficient project management experience. Explore each view to help you understand them better and gain practical insights on optimizing each view to help you work most effectively and achieve your goals.