Bizman Latest Update: Version 1.36.0 Released

04.12.24 - With this update, we introduce our new Task Manager and sidebar Menu, several fixes on notifications, and improved tools.

Sidebar Menu Update

In search of streamlining the usage of our main tools and looking to improve the User Experience of our platform. We've implemented a new Sidebar. The menus are now displayed in this order:


bizman Dashboard Sidebar Menu Update

Timers: Everything related to our Time-tracking tool (Active Timers, Worklogs, Attendance)

Tasks: With our new Task Manager that includes many new features

Passwords Vault: Manage credentials and view Logs

Management: Run Clients, Employees, Divisions, Services, and other tools (Role-related)

Statistics: All the company data in real-time, setting bases for future Reports and AI tools

Task Manager

We've been working on streamlining the process of working with tasks within Bizman, simplifying the user experience, and updating the UI with our latest Design.

Now, On the Side Bar, you can change the format for the Task manager

Bizman Task Manager UI update

We've simplified how different views can be created so you can quickly shift between specific tasks. 

Creating different views in Bizman Task Management

Create New Views and manage them by applying multiple filters; use them to be aware of teamwide tasks, filter Clients, due dates, divisions, etc. Customize and save your views so you can access them at any time.

This is the first step in revamping our entire UX and interface related to an entire tool. Our Team is really happy with the result, and we appreciate everyone who helped us test this and improve our platform.

Here's a quick video explaining what you will find in our new Task Manager



We've also improved the integration between Bizman and Hubspot. Now, all Clients' tasks will be synchronized on both platforms. 



  • Bank of Hours Notifications: more accurate information has been added to the email notifications.
  • Inactive User Notifications: Improved the alert system. Users and Managers will be notified a week and a day before a user is deactivated.
  • Client Notes Fixes: Note content not saving fixed, sorting, and attachments.
  • Billable value change bug when editing a work log after stopping a timer.
  • Improved search behavior in various places.
  • Updates pop-up: Fixed frequency (optimizations on the pop-up to be applied).
  • Management page for services.


As always, we are open to your feedback, and we remind you that every comment can be sent through our inboxes: or