Step-by-Step Guide: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Employees

Managing employees effectively is crucial for the success of any project management tool. Within our Bizman platform, adding, editing, and deleting employees ensures efficient workflows, accurate task allocation, and robust security.

Admins or Bizman users with Add employees, Edit employees, and Delete employees permissions can perform these functions. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of adding, editing, and deleting employees within Bizman.

Note: It is essential to have at least one employee and one client set up in the system before initiating any task creation, work logging, or timer activation.

First off, here's why adding, editing, and deleting employees is important for task management, time management, and password management tools:

1. Accuracy and Efficiency:

  • Having accurate and up-to-date employee information ensures tasks are assigned to the right people with the relevant skills.
  • By easily adding new employees, you can quickly integrate them into tasks without delays.
  • Editing employee details allows for changes in roles, departments, or skills, keeping task assignments optimized.
  • Deleting inactive employee accounts removes clutter and ensures only authorized users have access to tasks and tools.
2. Improved Time Management:
  • Assigning tasks to the right people based on their skills and availability leads to better time management.
  • Removing inactive users prevents wasted time spent assigning tasks to unavailable employees.

Moreover, in terms of platform security, deleting inactive employee accounts removes access to sensitive data and projects, reducing security risks. Essentially, managing employee access effectively through adding, editing, and deleting accounts is crucial for getting the most out of task management, time management, and password management tools.

Step 1: Accessing Employee section within Bizman:

Navigate to the Side Bar menu and select “Management”. From the “Management” section, click on “Employees”.

Navigate to Employees

Step 2: Adding a New Employee:

Once you clicked on Employees, you will be directed to the Employee List page. From there, click on the prominent "Add Employee" blue button. Enter the details as follows:

add new employee

  • Employee First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Team Leader – Check the ‘Is Team Leader’ checkbox below if the new employee will be designated as a Team Leader. Otherwise, choose the appropriate Team Leader from the dropdown menu to assign the new employee under their supervision.
  • Role - The Role field lets you specify the level of access based on predefined role permissions for the new employee. Choose from options such as "Marketing" for team members focused on marketing tasks, "View Only" for limited access, or "Admin" for users with full control and permissions within the platform. Select the role that best suits the responsibilities and requirements of the employee's position.
  • Division - The Division field helps organize and segment employees based on specific criteria such as geographic location, field, or industry. (Click here to learn how to add services)
  • Is Active – This determines whether the employee's account is active or inactive within the platform. When checked, it indicates that the employee is currently active and able to access the system. Unchecking it marks the employee as inactive, restricting their access until reactivated.
  • Enable SMS - When enabled, users may receive important updates, notification, or alerts via SMS (Short Message Service).
  • Enable 2FA – The 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) feature adds an extra layer of security to user accounts by requiring them to provide two forms of verification (their password and unique code or OTP sent to their email or mobile number) before gaining access. This enhances account security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access and mitigating the impact of potential security breaches.
  • Is Team Leader – When checked, it signifies that the employee holds the role of a team leader or supervisor within their respective team or department.
  • Is Full Time - When checked, it indicates that the employee's position entails working a standard full-time schedule.
  • Subscribe to All Notifications - When checked, users will receive notifications for various alerts, updates, and activities within the platform, ensuring they stay informed about all relevant information.

Click "Add" to confirm the addition of the new employee to the platform.

Step 3: Editing Employee Details:

Find the employee whose details you wish to edit within the Employee List table. Click on the three dots icon and select “Edit” from the dropdown.

Edit employee

Update the necessary fields with the new information. Review the changes and ensure accuracy. Click "Update" to confirm the edits and apply the changes to the employee's profile.

Step 4: Deleting an Employee:

Find the employee you want to delete within the Employee List table. Click on the three dots icon and select “Delete” from the dropdown. Confirm the action by clicking “Yes” to ensure that you intend to delete the employee from the system.

delete employee

Once confirmed, the employee will be removed from the platform, and their access privileges will be revoked.

Note: Exercise caution when deleting employees, as this action may impact ongoing tasks and project assignments.

Effectively managing employees within Bizman Business Management tracking is essential for optimizing team performance and achieving success in task management. Follow this step-by-step guide, so you can add, edit, and delete employees with ease, ensuring accurate task assignment, efficient collaboration, and streamlined communication within your organization.