Using the Password Manager and Log

Learn how the data for usernames and passwords and how the usage is registered in our platform.

In today's digital age, managing various login credentials for various tools and accounts can be daunting. To address this challenge, BizMan introduces a robust Password Manager feature designed to simplify password management, enhance security, and boost productivity for users and teams.

1. Centralized Storage of Passwords:

The Password Manager securely stores users' passwords in one centralized location, eliminating the need to remember multiple login credentials. This streamlined approach enhances convenience and security, providing users a single access point for their accounts.

2. Shared and Personal Tabs:

Users can easily organize their passwords using both Shared and Personal Tabs. This allows for a personalized and collaborative approach to password management within teams.

3. Secure Sharing of Passwords:

One of the key benefits of the Password Manager is the ability to share passwords among team members securely. This feature streamlines collaboration by ensuring team members can access shared credentials without compromising security.

4. Simplified Password Management:

By centralizing password management, BizMan simplifies the process for team members. This eliminates the need to remember complicated passwords for multiple tools and accounts. As a result, team members can use stronger and unique passwords for each tool or account, significantly improving overall security.

5. Increased Productivity:

The Password Manager contributes to increased productivity by minimizing password-related issues. Forgotten or mistyped passwords are common culprits causing delays in workflow. With the Password Manager, these issues are mitigated, allowing team members to focus on their tasks without interruptions.

6. Password Logs for Monitoring:

The Password Manager includes a comprehensive logging system to enhance security across the board. This feature stores details such as the Employee/User Name who copied credentials, the Client/Account selected, and the access date. This facilitates monitoring and enables tracking of user activities related to stored credentials.

7. Search Functionality:

The Password Manager incorporates a user-friendly search field, allowing users to filter through logs quickly based on employee and client names. This accelerates the search process, providing a convenient way to monitor and manage access to stored credentials.