How to Set Up Your Bizman Account

Getting started with Bizman is easy! This guide will walk you through personalizing your profile and settings to unlock the full potential of the platform.

Welcome to Bizman! Let’s Set Up Your Profile

Unlocking the benefits of Bizman begins with a simple first step: setting up your profile! Maximize the potential of your Bizman experience by customizing your preferences and settings to suit your needs.

When you are added as a Bizman user, you'll receive a welcome email with your temporary login credentials. Use these to log in and begin using the platform. Remember, for top-notch security, it's highly recommended to change your password to a strong and unique one after your first login. Here's how:

  1. Log in to Bizman using your temporary credentials.
  2. Click on the avatar icon or User Settings in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Navigate to the "Account Settings" section
  4. Locate the "Password " field and click on the pencil or Edit icon to create a strong password.

Personalize Your Bizman Profile

Now that your account is secure, let's complete your profile. Click on the avatar icon again and navigate to the "Profile" section. Here's what you can do:

  • Fill in your personal details: Add your first name, last name, contact number, birthdate, and location.
  • Set your time zone: Ensure all deadlines and tasks are displayed in your preferred time zone to avoid confusion.
  • Choose your date and time format: Select a date and time format that works best for you (e.g., 24-hour clock vs. AM/PM).
  • Showcase your expertise: Highlight your skills and experience by adding your "Skill Sets." 

Don't forget to click the "Save" button after filling out each of your information to save your changes.

Other Useful Tabs to Optimize Your Experience

Bizman offers customization options to streamline your workflow. Let's explore some key settings:

  • Account Settings: Beyond email and password changes, here you can enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security. 2FA typically requires a code sent to your phone in addition to your password when logging in. Consider enabling SMS notifications for important account updates.
  • Bizman Settings: Bizman Settings empower admins and authorized users to manage crucial functionalities.  Here, you can enforce strong passwords by setting expiration durations (in days) to prompt your team members for regular updates, safeguarding your organization's data.  For Bank of Hours clients, Bizman Settings also provide tools to manage and monitor bank of hours, along with automatic notifications for low bank of hours balances and near-expiring hours to prevent disruptions and ensure informed project planning.
  • Notification Preferences: Setting up your notification preferences is crucial for staying up to date with relevant activities, changes, and interactions concerning your tasks in Bizman. By configuring these settings, you ensure that you're always aware of important updates and can promptly take appropriate actions. Choose to receive notifications within the Bizman app (in-app notifications) or through your preferred email (e.g., Outlook). Select the types of notifications you want to receive, such as updates on tasks you're assigned to, overdue tasks, or task comments. Learn more about how to set up alerts and notifications in Bizman here.
  • Integrations: Bizman Integrations let you connect your favorite tools for a streamlined workflow.  Within the Integrations settings, you can easily enable or disable integrations for other apps, or even expand functionality with other project management or marketing tools. Find the perfect integrations to centralize your data and empower your team.
  • Roles and Permissions: Streamlining collaboration is at the heart of Bizman's user-friendly interface for managing roles and permissions. Roles, like Admin or Team Member, define a user's function, and corresponding permissions grant specific actions within the platform, such as creating tasks, validating worklogs, or viewing reports. This ensures everyone has the right tools for the job, while maintaining security with restricted access (only authorized users can manage these settings).  To learn more about setting roles and permissions in Bizman, click here.
Strategic use of settings allows you to customize Bizman for optimal productivity. Don't hesitate to explore other Bizman features as you get comfortable with the platform. With your profile set up and settings optimized, you are ready to streamline your workflow and boost your productivity with Bizman!